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Quick start

Installing Streply is very easy, regardless of the structure of your project. It only takes 3 simple steps and in 5 minutes to activate Streply in your project.


At the very beginning, you need to download a library for PHP. The recommended way is to download Streply using Composer. You can also download the actual zip package from our page on GitHub.


You can find the DSN code of the project in the Projects tab of your Streply account.

composer require streply/streply-php


Streply initialisations are performed using the Initialize method, which should be placed at the very beginning of the code (e.g. in the index.php file). The method receives the (string) DSN as the first parameter.

The second parameter is (array) $options, which contains the optional configuration.

You can find the DSN code of the project in the projects tab in your Streply account.


For more configuration options, see the Configuration tab.

First usage

Passing an exception to Streply is very simple. Simply call the Streply\Exception method in the catch instruction and pass the entire exception object to it.

try {
if(true) {
throw new \Exceptions\SomeException('Exception message here');
} catch(\Throwable $exception) {

For more information on catching errors, see the Capture errors page.

Using a framework?