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Performance is used to measure loading times and analyse the processes involved in each stage of the application.

Creating a transaction

The first step is to create a transaction. In order to do this, call the Streply method Streply/Performance::Start with the ID and name of the transaction as parameters.

The name of the transaction is a user-friendly name that will be displayed to the Streply panel.

Streply\Performance::Start('transactionId', 'Product checkout');

Adding points

With a transaction created, you can use the Streply/Performance::Point method to assign multiple points to it.

This method takes three parameters:

function Point(string $transactionId, string $pointName, array $params = []): void
  • $transactionId - ID of the previously created transaction
  • $pointName - Name of the point, by which it will be possible to identify which point it is about
  • $params - Optional parameters

With the instance of a shopping basket, we can create, for example, points that calculate the value of the basket and check the amount of the discount.


Streply\Performance::Point('transactionId', 'cart amount', [
'amount' => 100.56


Streply\Performance::Point('transactionId', 'calculate discount');


For the example above, we will see how long the above information was generated.

Sending the transaction

The transaction and points are not sent automatically, in order to send the previously collected data to Streply, the Streply method Streply\Performance::Finish must be called and the ID of the created transaction must be specified in it.
