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The official Streply library for the Vue.js framework.

This package is a wrapper around @streply/browser, with added functionality related to Vue.js.

To use this SDK, call init() as early in your application as possible.


The first step is to install the streply/vue package.

npm install --save @streply/vue

Then initialize Streply:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import * as Streply from '@streply/vue';

const app = createApp(App);

Streply.init(app, {
dsn: '',


You can find the DSN code of the project in the Projects tab of your Streply account.

Capture events


Streply automatically finds all errors in your code, but you can also identify exceptions yourself.

try {
} catch(err) {

Also, you can trigger errors in this way:

<button @click="triggerError">Trigger error</button>

export default {
methods: {
triggerError() {
throw new Error('This is an error');

If needed, you can manually send an error to Streply:

Streply.Error('This is an error', {'userId': 1}, Streply.Level.Critical);
Read more

Reade more about Capture errors in JS.


To send a log to Streply, use the Streply.Log function.

let createUser = function(userName) {
// ...

Streply.Log('users.create', {'userName': userName});

createUser('Joey Tribbiani');
Read more

Reade more about Capture logs in JS.


Configuration should happen as early as possible in your code.

Streply.init(app, {
dsn: '',
environment: 'local'

// or

Read more

Reade more about Streply configuration in Configuration page.